Surfin’ the web

I’m trying out a new way to keep track of my links. I’ve started moving my links to Del.ici.ous, a social bookmarking site. It’s a really cool way to access your bookmarks from any computer that’s connected to the internet. I’m sharing my links with you, and so are other people. Anyone who uses the tag “crazyquilts” is included in the feed on my Netvibes public page, in the upper right hand corner of the page.

If you’d like to join in, and add sites too, sign up for a Del.ici.ous account, and start adding links. You can put a bookmarklet button on your browser, making it super easy to add links. If you network with me, you can see all my bookmarks-even more sharing! But… If you’re a little unsure of using Del.ici.ous, you can always leave me a comment on this page, and ask me to add your link. And please, if you have a cool blog or website, tell me about it so I can add it!

The list below contains links to my Netvibes tabs; I think the names are self explanatory. Each Netvibe tab also has a list of my Del.ici.ous tags. You can select a tag, and go to my Del.ici.ous links associated with that tag. If you click on a link in one of the feeds, a new page for that link will open.

Crazy quilting


Computer (not there yet, but eventually…)

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